Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IT To Root-Out Illegal Drugs Trade

IT To Root-Out Illegal Drugs Trade

Information Technology (IT) today provides an unprecedented, but extraordinarily simple way for the Government to successfully Root-Out most of the corruption and crimes prevailing today including the illegal drug trade.

To accomplish it, first of all the Governments should Bring in the most important policy of ‘biometric identity in all bank accounts’. I call it “Mandatory Biometric Identity” (MBID), whereby making all money transaction above a given amount only through the bank to bank account. It can be called as; “Mandatory Electronic Money Transaction” (MEMT).

Let me explain how this anti-corruption system works in a simple practical way. Under the above monetary policy, suppose the government stipulates that all money transaction (buying and selling or any money transfer) above say $10 should be only conducted through the bank to the bank accounts. If any one making cash deposit or withdrawals above the given amount should submit the detailed accounts of its income or the payment source.

In this situation if the drug peddler accepts bank to bank account E-money or credit card from the customer in exchange of to the illegal drugs, then electronic money transaction instantly gets recorded in the bank that will serve as the concrete evidence for the law enforcement to arrest and to convict most of them without any difficulty. So instead of the E- or the credit card money the peddlers most probably accept the cash money as they find it safe. However sooner the peddler start to face a serious problem as the cash money gets accumulates into large sums which he/she can not deposit in the banks because it requires the detailed accounts of where all the cash money came from or its original source that is why they avoided doing so in the first place. So for all practical purpose the drug peddler make the cash money payment to the main drug supplier. However then it will put the top drug mafia bosses in far serious problem as it will become extremely difficult for them to dispose (money laundering) such a huge amount of cash money in any available means, since opening a fake bank account or depositing large sums of illicit cash money becomes absolutely impossible due to the Governments MBID/MEMT bank policy.

In such given market environment it won’t be possible to anyone including the drug peddlers or the criminal bosses with the accumulated large sums of cash money, to buy most of the things they want, goods and services worth more than $10 can not be purchased by cash despite their huge amount of cash money while most of their essential goods and services prices generally exceeds that amount. Therefore, for anyone with the large sums of cash money instead of a valuable asset it would become a huge liability very difficult to get rid off, and highly dangerous to keep.

In such situation the traders or the businesses will prefer e-money (credit cards, bank cheques) even for smaller or far less than $10 amount. Similarly the general public also prefer to buy with e-money as almost all their income (salary etc) deposited directly in their bank account as it exceeds more than the stipulated amount and they also will try to avoid accumulating large sum of cash money so prefer purchases by the cards (E-money)payment even while making small purchases. In such a E-money transaction economy every money transaction (licit or illicit) gets instantly recorded with the concrete evidence that overwhelmingly lead into conviction for the criminals engaged in corruption.

This will make it extremely dangerous for any one engage in illicit money transaction the basic foundation on which almost all corruption or crime stand upon. Therefore the MBID/MEMT combined will mostly dissuade any illicit businesses including the illegal drug trade. More on this subject matter in the principle document titled: “IT To Root-Out Corruption” and other main articles in the web links given below.

IT To Root-Out Corruption”


Corruption Is The Root-Cause of Terrorism


Monday, February 16, 2009

Corruption Is The Root-Cause of Terrorism

CORRUPTION leads to social injustice, unrest, violence, subjugation that basically gives birth to extremism and the terrorism. Ironically corruption also makes the terrorist attack absolutely possible. In this regard, most important of all is the ‘money-laundering’ the main source of Terrorist Finance, which most importantly provides the basic sustenance, logistics, arms and ammunitions for the terrorist attack.

However what really enables the terrorist leaders or its top brass to successfully disguise or hide so escape detection from the law enforcement agencies while carrying out all the above mentioned terrorist activities (including the financing) is basically their use the *fake or forged ID* (or having no ID at all) in obtaining all those logistics security matters mentioned above (specially phone connections, bank accounts, credit cards, arms and ammunitions) which then used as deadly terror weapons but leave no concrete evidence or the fingerprint (biometric ID) records of people who have purchased it. Therefore after all, it is the fake ID (or no ID at all), which enables the terrorists (specially its leaders) to carry on their sinister terrorist activities but at the same time successfully conceal or hide from the legal identification, detection arrest, most importantly escape from the conviction so to continue to promote their further terrorist attack with impunity.

Above all, what makes the creation of fake ID fundamentally possible is the conventional ID documents containing mainly the NAME, ADDRESS, and the SIGNATURE. It is basically prone to serious fraud or security breach as the corruption perpetrators can successfully forge it and produce all kinds of fake or bogus ID documents when needed to carry out their criminal, activities.

However the government can easily prevent the menace of the fake ID by bringing in the Biometric Identity (BID) especially the fingerprints (along with the name, address and signature) in the ID security matters, as it is absolutely impossible to anyone to forge or fake their biometric identity. In fact the photo and fingerprint ID which are the two main BID components remains compulsory in some very important security matters like passport, voters ID, driving license, criminal records etc. Ironically however it is not yet been introduced where it need the most, to prevent corruption in all financial security matters basically to prevent the fake ID bank accounts. As the terrorist leaders hide behind it while providing finance and other logistics for the terrorist attack and to escape from the legal detection.

Therefore in order to detect and catch the terrorist leaders hiding behind the fake ID (or no ID) while providing finance for the terrorist activities; the governments should first of all bring in a policy of compulsory or Mandatory Biometric Identity (MBID) in all bank accounts with the stipulation that ‘all money transactions above a given amount should be only made through the bank to bank accounts’. Especially any one buying, selling important, social, communication and national SECURITY matters like credit cards, voters ID, dwelling rents, driving license, phone connection, weapons, explosives, drugs or any large sums of money transfer should do its only through the Electronic or E-money (bank to bank) accounts.

Basically it is an unprecedented but extraordinarily simple ‘all in one’ anti-corruption, anti-terrorism solution. Among other things most importantly it saves the Government the enormous financial, labour and other cost burden of requiring people to produce separate BID for “every thing” and “every time” while buying and selling those security matters. But at the same time it successfully prevents the criminals producing the fake ID while buying any such security matters thereby basically root-out corruption along with terrorism.

Its principle document titled: IT To Root-Out Corruption” Published on 2nd Jan 2009

@ http://i-opinion-about.blogspot.com/2009/01/it-to-root-out-corruption.html