Monday, December 15, 2008

Biometric Identity In All Bank Account Need - To Convict Terrorist Leaders

The greatest difficulty in arresting and convicting the terrorist leaders in order to prevent the terrorist attack is; almost all those who have been suspected as its leaders or top brass, ordering or supplying finance and logistics to it nevertheless able to leave no concrete evidence behind that can concretely link them to it. The captured terrorist confessions or their satellite phone call tracing from one to the other country (India Pakistan) would not meet the international standards as the undeniable evidence unless some other concrete corroborative evidences to prove it. Therefore, even if they arrest them mainly on the basis of the captured terrorists confession it won’t stand as enough or credible evidence in the court of justice under the rules of law, so the courts eventually let them go free due to the lack of some undeniable or concrete evidence of their involvement in the attack. The 22/11/08 Mumbai terror attack and its aftermath blame game between India Pak in vain, shows us its glaring example.

However there are technologies available and very much used in the IT field today can absolutely record the irrefutable evidence or proof of the terrorist leaders or its top officials, their concrete fingerprints (literally) in the finance and logistics used in the terror attack, whether they like it or not! Believe it or not the government can easily (comparative) accomplish this task simply by bringing in Mandatory Biometric Identity (MBID) in all bank accounts thereby making the buying and selling (money transaction) of things of important security(financial, social, communication national) matters, most importantly cell phones, SIM, guns, explosives etc, also the credit cards and large sums of money (say above 10,000 RS. Or 1000 dallars), only directly through ones bank to the others bank accounts. First of all it is impossible for any one to make or produce a forged Biometric Identify (BID). Which when combined into the persons bank account can absolutely record the concrete electronic money transaction trail in the bank accounts records together with the the irrefutable BID of the terrorist leaders (or their officials) who supplied the finance and the logistics for the terror attack. The BID can further find out absolutely all the bank accounts credit cards they may have in every banks and the BID’s of every one of those bank accounts and its details that transacted with it. It will provide more than enough undeniable evidences to arrest and convict the entire terror network thereby to root out terrorism. What really needed is the political will to get it done.

Valerian Texeira.
St. Joseph Nagar
Mangalore – 575002

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