Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Please Stop The Blame Game Over Mumbai Terror Attack

Let us please stop the blame game over the Mumbai terror attacks instead we need to find out some solution to combat it. In my opinion to prevent such terror attacks one must first need to eliminate the international network of money laundering (basically illicit money transaction) the principle source of terrorist finance the main culprit behind these terror attacks.

In this regard here I propose two extraordinary anticorruption/antiterrorism IT solutions, which in my opinion can enable the Governments to successfully track down, identify and capture the culprits behind the international money laundering, terrorist finance. Also the training, weapon and other logistic suppliers for the terror attack! The first one is ‘to Make Biometric Identity Mandatory or Compulsory In All Bank Accounts’ I name it as; Mandatory Biometric Identity (MBID). The second one is to ‘conduct all money transaction above a given amount only by the electronic money transaction through ones bank to the others bank account named Mandatory Electronic Money Transaction (MEMT). For more details search “IT To Root-Out Corruption”.

Among the two, the first “MBID in all bank account” is primarily important. It also very much feasible, more easier and less expensive compared to many other antiterrorism measures that exists or being proposed today. The MBID in all bank account policy (it includes buying of important security matters like credit cards, phones, weapons, drugs etc, in it) alone can significantly prevent the money laundering which is the main source of terrorist finance! If the MBID gets implemented first then the MEMT will inevitably follow sooner or latter.

Above all terrorism today is a Global phenomenon. So much so when it comes to international “money laundering” the main source of terrorist financing. Among others the illegal drug trade known to have close links with all of it. Therefore it is mainly the responsibility of worlds leading nations First of all to implement the MBID in all bank accounts in their countries to get rid of moneylaundering so the terrorist finance and the rest of the world will follow the lead.What really needed is the “political will” to get it done.

Valerian Texeira

PS. This post was inspired by the readers comments in the Global Voice
globalvoicesonline.org/2008/11/29/pakistan-mumbai-terror-blame-game-and-the-blogospheres-perspective/ - 117k -

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